15.Write a program to concatenat e two strings without using strcat() function.
strcat(str ing1,strin g2) is a C standard function declared in the header file string.h
The strcat() function concatenat es string2, string1 and returns string1.
Program: Program to concatenat e two strings
char *strct(cha r *c1, char *c2);
char *strct(cha r *c1, char *c2){
//strlen function returns length of argument string
int i = strlen(c1) ;
int k = 0;
// loops until null is encountered and appends string c2 to c1
while (c2[k] !='\0'){
c1[i + k] = c2[k];
return c1;
int main(){
char string1[15 ] ="first";
char string2[15 ] ="second";
char *finalstr;
printf("Be fore concatenat ion:"
"\n string1 = %s \n string2 = %s", string1, string2);
// addresses of string1, string2 are passed to strct()
finalstr = strcat(str ing1, string2);
printf("\n After concatenat ion:");
//prints the contents of string whose address is in finalstr
printf("\n finalstr = %s", finalstr);
//prints the contents of string1
printf("\n string1 = %s", string1);
//prints the contents of string2
printf("\n string2 = %s", string2);
return 0;
Before concatenat ion:
string1 = first
string2 = second
After concatenat ion:
finalstr = firstsecon d
string1 = firstsecon d
string2 = second
Explanatio n:
string2 is appended at the end of string1 and contents of string2 are unchanged.
In strct() function, using a for loop, all the characters of string'c2'are copied at the end of c1. return (c1) is
equivalent to return&c1[0] and it returns the base address of'c1'.'finalstr' stores that address returned by the
function strct().
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